Power Generation
Hibbard Inshore began its business in the hydroelectric industry, and developed expertise to offer inspections on lower outlets, face and toe of dam, penstocks, turbines, diversion tunnels, and long conveyance tunnels as well as bathymetric surveys, general dam inspections and trash rack removal and replacement. From there, many of the same techniques could be used to aid in offering structural inspection services for the water piping at Coal and Nuclear facilities helping to inspect longer lines or in confined spaces that might be difficult for a diver to access while maintaining plant and personnel safety as a top priority.
As time has passed, the vehicles, sensors and tooling Hibbard Inshore developed to service the inshore power industries have become more and more capable. Due to technological advances, the vehicles have become smaller and more powerful with the ability to carry larger sensor and tooling payloads. For this reason, over the past decade, Hibbard Inshore has also been able to offer services to offshore installations including cable surveys and inspections, pipeline surveys and inspections, and services focused on the installation and maintenance of offshore wind turbines and tidal generation turbines. The Hibbard Inshore fleet is adept at managing currents while completing survey, monitoring and work tasks such as use of torque tools, drills, cutting implements, and a wide variety of retrieval and debris removal techniques. Hibbard services many customers both domestically as well as internationally and can mobilize to even the most remote locations.
- WindIn a similar to manner to Tidal Generation, Hibbard Inshore can provide ROV services for Offshore Wind Generation installations. Hibbard Inshore’s ROVs can be shipped via airfreight to any location worldwide to be used on local vessels for hire, and can be used to perform surveys of the installation site, cable route, and cable lay as well as installation services to aid in orientation and leveling and maintenance and cleaning services for the underwater portions of the assets once the wind turbines are installed.
- All Swimming Vehicles (ROV and AUV)
- All Crawling ROVs
- Imaging Sonar (Profiling and Sector Scan)
- Multibeam Sonar (Forward Looking and Profiling)
- 3D Multibeam Sonar
- Video
- Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges
- All Underwater Electrical and Hydraulic Tooling
- Pumps
- Bathymetric Multibeam and Singlebeam Sonar
- Sub-Bottom Sonar
- Side Scan Sonar
- Marine Magnetometers
- Marine Electromagnetic Survey