Expanded Menu | Hibbard Inshore Technology
Imaging Sonar Underwater Imaging with sound - How to see through murky water and precisely dimension structures...
Video Video isn't just video: how fiber optics, gas discharge lights, camera types, and lighting patterns get results...
Vehicle Navigation Sensors Compass depth gauge, a full inertial guidance...
Acoustic Positioning Systems USBL and LBL positioning systems use hydrophones to locate ROV's, Divers, vessel and tools...
Manipulators, Tool Sleds and VAT's@ Hydraulic and electric tools that ROV's work with underwater.
Research & Archeology Sensors and Tools from the scientific community.
Hibbard Inshore - Technology - Manipulators, Tool Sleds & VAT's@ |
Tool Sleds - Remote operated vehicles (ROVs) can tow tool sleds to underwater locations to complete specialized tasks. Tool sleds can carry a variety of cargo, from special sensor packages to fiber optic cable.
VAT - Vehicle Assisted Tool a family of custom built tools for underwater work. The tools are more than a simple rotary cutter or manipulator; the tools includes sensors and can be independent of the support ROV. A good example is a hydraulically latched blanking plug used to temporarily shutoff a water intake. The installed plug allows the upstream most valve to be serviced. A typical application is found on the face of a hydroelectric dam. The blanking plug is installed and removed by an ROV. While the plug is in place, sensors in the tool monitor the hydraulic latching mechanism and seal integrity for the safety of the personnel working on the valve.
Another good example of a VAT@ is a ROV controlled lift bag. The assembly has valves and cylinders to inflate the bag. The valves are controlled either by a cable to the ROV telemetry system or by way of acoustic modems. The ROV deploys the lift bag to the object to be retrieved, engages a hook, then controls the inflation of the bag.
Underwater Tooling - Underwater tools deployed with ROV's include rotary cutters, high pressure water cleaning jets, manipulators, and latching devices for connecting lift lines to recover objects that are underwater.
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