ROV: Remote Operated Vehicles, Sonar, Underwater, Inspection, Tunnel, Diving
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ROV: Remote Operated Vehicles, Sonar, Underwater, Inspection, Tunnel, Diving ROV: Remote Operated Vehicles, Sonar, Underwater, Inspection, Tunnel, Diving
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Hibbard Inshore Technology

Imaging Sonar
Underwater Imaging with sound - How to see through murky water and precisely dimension structures...

Video & Lighting
Video isn't just video: how fiber optics, gas discharge lights, camera types, and lighting patterns get results...

Vehicle Navigation Sensors
Compass depth gauge, a full inertial guidance...

Acoustic Positioning Systems
USBL and LBL positioning systems use hydrophones to locate ROV's, Divers, vessel and tools...

Manipulators, Tool Sleds and VAT's@
Hydraulic and electric tools that ROV's work with underwater.

Research & Archeology
Sensors and Tools from the scientific community.



Hibbard Inshore - Technology - Vehicle Navigation Sensors

Remote Operated Vehicles (ROVs) use a number of sensors to indicate the attitude of the vehicles; including depth, attitutde, pitch, roll, heading and camera pan and tilt. Navigation sensors such as an Ultra Short Baseling Accoustic Positioning systems are used to locate the ROV with precision relative to Latitude and Longitude coordinates, for more see Acoustic Positioning Systems.

ROV Attitude Sensors

Flux Gate Compass (Heading) - ROV heading is usually indicated using a magnetic compass that displays digitally on the video overlay topside, this type of compass is susceptible to interference on large steel structures. This is compensated by using the sonar system and intelligent flight paths.

Gyro Compass (Heading) - This type of heading uses a highly accurate gyro to determine heading. This type of compass is not affected by steel and magnetic interference.

Inclinometer (Pitch and Roll) - The attitude of the ROV is indicated in degrees from horizontal. Knowing the proper orientation of the ROV aides the pilot in taking sonar measurements, using VAT's@, and monitoring the affect of current, and umbilical strain.

Camera Pan and Tilt - Sensors inside the tilt or pan and tilt mechanism display the orientation of the camera. This aides the pilot and viewers to know the direction the camera is viewing. It is difficult to tell what part of a structure is in view if the camera angle is not known, particularly in low visibity.


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