ROV: Remote Operated Vehicles, Sonar, Underwater, Inspection, Tunnel, Diving
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ROV: Remote Operated Vehicles, Sonar, Underwater, Inspection, Tunnel, Diving ROV: Remote Operated Vehicles, Sonar, Underwater, Inspection, Tunnel, Diving
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Case Studies

Guide Lower Outlet Trash Rank Into Place, Connect lifting equipmnet to remove broken equipment and more...

Assess downstream vavle seat in 14" TSV bypass Valve in penstock, Head Gate Seal Plate Inspection, broken bolt count and more....

Dive Support
The ROV can monitor divers and illuminate prohibitive work environments


Hibbard Inshore - Case Studies - Work

Work Scenarios
These scenarios make use of vehicle assisted tooling (VATTM).

Guide Lower Outlet Trash Rack into Place - (WMV Video 1.5MB)
In this project, a crane lowers a lower outlet trash rack at a hydro electric dam as the ROV maneuvered it into place. The ROV worked at a depth of over 200 feet in a mountain reservoir high above sea level. After the rack was latched, visual inspection verified that the rack was placed properly and secured.

Connect Lifting Equipment to Remove Broken Equipment - (WMV Video 2.8MB)
The video highlights long (5,000 feet) tunnel work using a light work class ROV to insert an engagement tool with a manipulator into the tunnel at a hydro electric pumped storage plant. The ROV first completed a detailed structural inspection of the internal features of the tunnel. After the ROV located all the equipment to be recovered, it deployed the controlled lift bag and inserted the engagement tool into the equipment.

Sonar Picture of two pieces of equipment in tunnel

ROV and support equipment on deck of Tail Race Structure

ROV controlled lift bag fitted to ROV for deployment

Install Positive Latching Blanking Plug - (WMV Video .9MB)
Here the ROV inserted a hydraulically latching blanking plug (a vehicle assisted tool) into place in the fore bay of a hydro electric dam. Working at a depth of over 100 feet, the intake (14 inches in diameter) was located with the aid of dual imaging sonars ranging from distant features on the dam face. Hibbard Inshore fabricated the blanking plug in house; the plug features hydraulic cylinder actuated latches and an internal video camera for monitoring seal integrity.

shop picture of blanking plug

Reeve Messenger for Installation of New Bridge Cable - (WMV Video 1.9MB)
In this project, the ROV removed fouling and inspected the anchor yokes for integrity prior to threading a messenger cable. The ROV located the bridge anchor in a channel at a depth of 350 feet, with tidal exchanges creating currents of over 2 knots. The ROV used a cable reeving vehicle assisted tool to pass the messenger cable through the four-foot thick yoke. Then the ROV retrieved the cable on the other side with a manipulator. Once the bridge anchor cable was reeved through the yoke, the ROV visually verified that the cable jewels were centered and that the cable did not sustain any damage from installation.

Debris Removal with Rotary Cutter
A dewatered drinking water intake tunnel failed and flooded with some construction equipment inside. Some of the debris was located far from the access shaft, and the ROV at 170 feet of depth penetrated 1,400 feed to cut away ropes and assist divers with removing debris.

ROV fitted with rotary cutter

ROV cutting rope for removal


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